【飛行少年】They Are Flying
黃嘉俊 Huang Chia-Chun
「飛行」少年?其 實「飛行」是取其諧音,原本應該是「非行」少年,這群孩子來自於失親失養,遭家庭或學校的遺棄,傷痕累累的身心就像破碎的拼圖,現在老師們決定幫孩子們拼 湊出完整的人生拼圖。騎一輪車挑戰環島一千公里?是的,唯有讓這些孩子找回自信,體驗成功的滋味,才能讓他們的人生產生正面能量。
“Flying” boys? In fact it refers to the kids with abnormal behavior. Some of them have lost their parents and family, some are abandoned by their family or school. The shattered hearts and souls of those children are like a broken puzzle, now Reverend Huang, youth detention officer Su-Wei Lu and teachers of Faith and Love Youth academy have come up the decision to help the boys to mend and complete the puzzle of their life!
The challenge of one thousand kilometer island tour by unicycle? Yes! They believe the only way to transform those kids’ life to a positive direction is to help them gain back their self-confident by tasting the flavor of success! The children started to have faith in themselves; they believe that if they insist and never give up, they can surely make it.
During the journey they have experienced tiredness in the body and struggle in their mind, however the love and affections of the adults have softened the children’s hearts. The project for the 30 boys to go around the island on unicycle has finally come true in the hot summer days.
Chia-Chun Huang, was born in Taipei Taiwan, has been working as a TV and film director for over 10 years. He graduated from Department of Radio, TV & Film, Shih Hsin University, and is pursuing his master degree at Graduate School of Applied Media Arts, Nation Taiwan University of Arts. He has shown his talents and interests on music, photography, and writing. He’s also been making lots of efforts on producing the documentary films, especially on the issue of “People”. “They’re Flying”, is his first production of documentary film which took him almost two years to complete.
11/07(五)10:00 台南國賓
11/11(二)16:20 台南國賓 (導演映後座談)
12/04(四)16:30 高雄影圖