【神豬】Pig Sacrifice
紀雅勻Chi Ya-Yun
Taiwan/2007/6min 25sec/DVD

豬圈裡,養著一隻迷你豬,在飼主每天無微不至的照顧下,日漸茁壯。供應的食物日漸增加,直到迷你豬吃不下,露出痛苦的表情,但主人卻因為求 好心切,將所有的食物硬塞給牠,這時,豬再也無法承受,巨大的像顆圓滾滾的球飄上天,途中發現周圍圍繞著許多不同造型的豬氣球和貢品,豬氣球慢慢逼近狀似 悠閒的仙人…

In the pigpen, there’s a mini piggy. He grew up strong and sturdy little by little under the feeder’s care in every possible way. The foods for piggy were increased day by day until he couldn’t eat any more. He looks round and became a huge balloon suddenly then floated in the air.  He struggled to swing his limbs and on the way to the heaven there were many pig balloons in different shape and tributes around him. These pig balloons exploded one by one while they were levitating into the heaven. They approached the celestial being that looked leisurely and carefree gradually...


紀雅勻,南台科技大學視覺傳達設計系,某次的機緣接觸到”偶動畫”這門課程,見識到光影以及實體動畫的魅力,自此便更確定自己的興趣建立在 此。由陳龍偉老師指導技術,建立在此領域的視野,更利用偶動畫製作電視廣告短片,獲得全國第一名的殊榮,畢業專題也是用偶動畫的方式呈現這部”神豬”!

Taiwan University of Technology informs a design department in the university, knowledge and technique for coming in contact with are extensive, and having opportunity of a certain handiness comes in contact with a curriculum in” stop- motion" and experiences the charm of the lighting and the entity animation and from that time on and then and more makes sure that own interest establishment is here.Dr. Chen Long Wei guides a technique and builds up my visual field in this realm and using stop-motion, this technique, to manufacture the short subject of the television advertisement and Obtains the national first great honor, continuously have the creations of other types and get a good character and affirm;The graduation subject also is presents using stop-motion to present” PIG SACRIFICE "!

11/10(一)10:00 台南國賓
11/13(四)17:20 台南國賓(導演映後座談)
11/29(六)20:00 高雄影圖

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