
陳明和 Chen Ming-Ho


故事開始於一個雲霧厚重的夜裡,在蒼鬱的樹林中有一群生物竄動著,她們個個手擁著種子使命的奔跑,酷似一場球賽!球員們竭盡所能的全力達陣,趕在雲 霧漸開前將手中的種子安放在光鋪灑的地方;城堡內也同時進行著一場爭球的遊戲,只要將手中的球投入由樹根盤結成的網內,樹根將會起連鎖反應的開著勝利的花 朵!場內有一雙眼睛關注的不是哪一隊的勝利,而是探索著那壁畫圖騰裡的奧秘,她見證了先人為生命所做的貢獻,同時目睹了新生兒斷了跟母體連接的臍帶,呱呱 落地!

最後生命之樹化為母親的陰部, 花開的那一刻同時盼生也同時判死…

In one foggy night, there are a horde of creatures lurking in a lush forest, each holding seeds in their hands, dashing forward like in a football game! The players struggle to touch down, and plant the seeds in places of lights before the fog disperses. Inside the castle, there’s a game which is to throw the ball into the nets woven by tree roots and this will provoke a chain reaction that makes the nets burst into full blossom. There’s a pair of eyes in the field that are not concerned about which team will win. Instead, they are exploring the secrets from the strokes of the fresco. She witnesses the contribution that her ancestors strived for life, and she also watches umbilical cords being cut off between new born babies and mothers.

The moment flowers blossom is also the time of life as well as death…

陳明和,舞墨映畫有限公司導演,畢業於基隆二信廣告設計科,曾任「CG西基動畫公司」動畫師,「米立製作公司」導演,執導製作多部電視廣告。專 長為編劇、分鏡劇情設計、腳本繪製、3D動畫製作。從事過插畫、平面及網頁設計、室內設計及2D動畫等製作工作,觸角多元經驗豐富,對影像有莫名的熱愛, 繼而由2D動畫轉戰3D影像製作。

Graduated from Keelung Er Hsing High School Advertisement Design Department, Chen is now a director from Dancin’ Ink Pictures. He used to work for CG CG Inc as an animator and MILIFILM as a director, during which time he produced and directed numerous TV commercials. Chen Specializes in script writing, storyboard design, storyboard illustration, and 3D animation production. His rich and versatile experiences as an illustrator, 2D and webpage designer, interior designer and 2D animation producer induced a great deal of passion for images from him, leading him change his arena to 3D image productions.

11/10(一)10:00 台南國賓
11/15(六)14:20 台南國賓 (導演映後座談)
11/29(六)20:00 高雄影圖


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